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Advantages of Saining PC panel

Publish Time: 2021-06-21     Origin: Site

PC board has a smooth surface of high transparency, free from impurities,. In order to meet the different requirements of different customers, different PC board surface treatment is employed. Coating separates PC sheet and the surrounding environment, to prevent the plate from softening. Scratch resistant PC sheet has high hardness scratch resistant coating on its surface; Anti-static PC board a layer of anti-static hard film on the surface through advanced surface coating technology, which not only retains inherent physical characteristics of the polycarbonate, but also gives it the ability to eliminate static electricity.


Light Control technology

PC board with light control technology plays an important role in agricultural greenhouse. PC board can enhance the output value and increase production and income in the application of crop production. For economic crops with high added value, it can transform the light in the sunshine which is not conducive to the growth of crops into one that promotes the absorption of nutrients, increase of output value, improves the synthesis of chlorophyll in crops, photosynthesis and accumulation of energy of crops, so as to make them grow healthily and rapidly. Light can also kill some germs on crops, which can prevent the invasion of pests.


Our energy-saving PC board not only adopts light control technology, but is also resistant to fog drop, impact, wind, and ultraviolet. It keeps cool in summer and warm in winter. PC surface that has undergone anti-condensation treatment, is anti-ultraviolet, anti-fog and heat resistant. To a large extent, it shortens the growth cycle of crops, increases yields and reduces pests and diseases, making crops greener and healthier .


Chemical Properties

1) Chemical resistance: Saining multi-layer plate can be used in combination with many building materials and lighting materials. The compatibility of chemical materials must be carefully considered. Chemicals used together with PC sheets require special testing. The most commonly used materials are sealants, washers, and cleaners. Compatibility tests and data for chemical materials are constantly updated at Saining, and many standard products have been tested. A complete list of recommended cleaners, washers and sealants is available upon request. Here are a few common ones: when using lighting materials, it is necessary to reserve appropriate thermal expansion on the premise that the bonding of the sealing material between the frame and the plate is not affected. We generally recommend Dow Corning's silicone sealant, which works well with Saining multi-layer plates. It is strongly recommended that other sealing materials be tested for compatibility before use.


2) Chemical resistance of polycarbonate at room temperature: The table lists the resistance of PC board to a variety of common chemicals, as well as tolerance of other corrosive media at room temperature. The chemical resistance of PC panel is different according to the concentration of chemicals, so we carried out different tests accordingly, and listed the results in the table. This table is only a suggestion for the compatibility of some chemicals. Unless you have performed special tests and can provide relevant documentation, Saining does not guarantee chemical resistance.



1) Thermal insulation performance: the structure of Saining multi-layer plate provides an incomparable advantage for extremely cold areas. Hollow structure can provide excellent insulation performance, and suffer less heat loss than single-layer lighting material. The heat loss can be measured by the heat transfer coefficient -U value (commonly known as the K value in China), which is the heat loss value per Celsius under variable temperatures, expressed in the form of W/ M2K.

Combined use with glass: Saining multi-layer panels are installed in front or behind the existing light windows to achieve intensified heat preservation. In such installation conditions, a 20-50mm air buffer between the Saining multi-layer plate and the existing lighting window should be left, so as to get a better effect.


Combined use with double-layer Saining panels: extremely low U value can be obtained by combining double-layer Saining panels with multi-layer ones. For example, in the application of curved and inclined roof, the Saining sheet is used both inside and outside the roof, and an air buffer of 20-50mm is left, which will greatly reduce the heat loss.


2) Energy saving: It keeps cool in summer and warm in winter. The thermal conductivity (K value) of PC sheet is lower than that of ordinary glass and plastics, and its heat insulation effect is 7%-25% higher than that of the same glass. The green PC sheet has heat insulation rate up to 49%, so it is used for buildings with warm equipment as the heat loss is greatly reduced.


3) Cold radiation: With excellent insulation performance, Saining multi-layer plate reduces the amount of cold radiation entering into the building. In winter, the lower the U value, the higher the surface temperature of internal plate. The Saining multi-layer structure creates an air buffer that maintains the surface temperature of sheet at a moderate level. Under this condition, the surface of the internal plate maintains a temperature above 0℃, so no cold radiation will enter the room.

4) Condensation: The water droplets formed on the surface of the plate due to temperature difference will reduce the light transmittance of the sheet. The drop water drops will damage the growth of crops and destroy sophisticated machinery and equipment. There is a special coating on lower surface of the Saining anti-dew sheet, which prevents the formation of condensate water. The coating reduces the surface tension of the plate, so that water droplets only form a thin uniform film of water on the plate. According to the angle of plate installation, this thin layer of water film will flow along the surface of the plate to the drainage system instead of falling onto the ground, so the light transmittance and lighting performance of the plate will not be affected.


5) When the outdoor temperature is 0℃, the indoor temperature remains at 23℃; when the indoor relative humidity is lower than 80%, the inner surface of the material shows no dew coagulation .



Mechanical Property

1) Impact Resistance: Saining PC board has the same outstanding impact resistance in the temperature range of -40℃ ~ +120℃ and in the outdoor long-term exposure as in the normal temperature. Its impact strength is 250-300 times that of ordinary glass, 30 times that of acrylic plate of the same thickness, and 2-20 times that of tempered glass. It will not crack when stricken by 1 kg hammer or fall from the height of 1 meter. It is reputed as "tempered glass".


2) Hail Resistance: As a preferred material for lighting roof, Saining PC board can withstand a variety of extreme weather, such as heavy rain, hail, strong winds, snow and ice, etc. Under such conditions, the plates will not break and when the weather clears up and temperature rises, it will not deform.


Weather Resistance

Ultraviolet Protection: Ultraviolet radiation causes fine cracks on the surface of the plate, which is detrimental to the plate. Saining PC sheet is both heat resistant and dew resistant as one of its side is anti ultraviolet (UV) layer made by co-extrusion process, and the other has undergone condensation treatment. It can block ultraviolet and is extremely suitable for protecting valuable art exhibits from ultraviolet. With co-extruded UV protection on one or both sides, Saining multi-layer panels is aging resistant. This unique protective layer, ensures sheets’ long-term optical properties under intensive UV radiation. Compared with other thermoplastic lighting materials, Saining PC board is more durable.


Weather Resistance: PC panel can maintain stable under -40℃ to 120℃. After 4000 hours of aging test in artificial climate, the yellowing degree was 2 and the light transmittance decreased by only 0.6%.



Thermal Performance

Solar Control: The transparent Saining multi-layer panel has excellent light transmittance, which is between 35% and 80% depending on the thickness. And Saining light control board can adjust the light transmittance by changing the color.


However, for buildings in hot areas or facing south, Saining can provide translucent plate of various colors for choice, such as tawny, gray, blue, green, and milky white. Light-controlled panels of various structures can reduce indoor temperature rise and maintain internal temperature at a comfortable level.


Saining light control panel can reduce the brightness of the sun to a comfortable level, and greatly lessen the energy consumption of air conditioning in the summer.


Instead of blocking or reflecting sunlight like other traditional solar control products, the new generation of Saining infrared light-controlled panels absorb the part of the light that causes most of the solar energy to be transmitted.


Indoor Heating: When the sunlight passes through the building, it directly heats the air. After the sunlight is absorbed by furniture, energy is released in the form of infrared ray. Thermally insulated Saining panels prevents heat from dissipating and increases indoor temperatures -- a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. Temperature can be moderated by ventilation. And SC/IR can be controlled by changing the structure and the color of the sheet, so it is recommended that Saining light control sheet used in combination with thermally insulated sheet


3) Solar Heat Absorption: Solar radiation is reflected, absorbed and conducted on the outer surface of the plate.


Light Transmittance

Light transmittance: PC panel rivals glass in light transmittance (up to 92%). Exposed in the sun, UV co-extruded panel does not yellow or atomize. The light transmittance only decrease by 6 % after ten years of use. Just for reference, PVC light transmittance loss rate is up to 15%-20%, and glass fiber, 12%-20%.





1) Temperature Resistance: PC board will have no cold brittle at -40℃, and will not soften at -125℃. Its mechanical properties remain stable in harsh environment. The temperature rise of the light plate shows the absorption of solar energy by PC panel.


When installing colored panels with high solar absorption in areas with strong light, the temperature rise of the panels themselves should be taken into account. With meticulous calculation and measurement, the surface of Saining sheet once reached the maximum temperature of 100℃.


2) Stable Performance under High Temperature: Saining multi-layer sheets have excellent strength and impact resistance under high temperature conditions, even after the expiration of the warranty period. At 80℃, Saining multi-layer sheets can still maintain 85% of their bending modulus as at room temperature.


3) UL Continuous Use Temperature: The temperature grade for continuous service set by UNDERWRITERS laboratory, is a trusted index used for measuring the performance of thermoplastic under long-term high-temperature environment. Various properties, especially important ones, of thermoplastics are tested at different temperatures. The results calculated that in 10 years, the performance changes of Saining sheet is no more than 50% of its original value.  


4) Fire Resistance Performance: Saining multi-layer panel has good fire-proof performance. Confirmed by the national standard GB50222-95, PC board is B1 level, Class 1 flame retardant. The ignition point of PC sheet is 580 ℃, and it extinguishes right after being deviated from fire. It produces no toxic gases when burning, and will not promote the spread of the fire.

5) Light Weight: It weighs only half of glass, saving the cost of transportation, loading and unloading, installation and supporting frame. Saining multi-layer panel is an ideal substitute for traditiona

l lighting materials. It is safe, easy to operate, cut and install and tough. Compared with 6mm toughened glass, 10mm thick Saining multi-layer panel are 85% lighter in weight.

6) Sound Insulation Performance: PC board has excellent sound insulation effect, better than glass and acrylic board of the same thickness. The sound insulation of PC board is 5-9DB higher than that of glass. It is the first material of choice for highway noise barriers in the world.


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